Saturday, July 18, 2009

La Petite Pierre to Rothou

A fast days riding today. After a demi-baguette in the garden by the castle with jam I was off just after 8 am!

The ride was pretty straight forward and after a great descent down from the town I made my way to Phalsbourg. Then to Walscheid where I stopped and got some things to eat. I had already done a lot of climbing at this point, but my average was still pretty good, over 18!

After the lunch stop I had a long climb and another good descent and then I turned on to the route up to the Col du Donon. This was the main objective of the day. I haven't even decided where to go afterwards. There was a sign showing the elevation gains on the road. The first 10 or so K's is pretty flat and then it gets steeper with about 6 K's to go. I have a vague recollection that I did this climb in the car with Ken and didn't think much of it. However on the bike it is really nice. There was a stream burbling away right next to the road for 11 or 12 K's. Very pleasant, and then after that the birds and insects. It was a very quiet road with only the occasional car and bike. As expected the first 13 K's were pretty easy but then it became steady work all the way to the top. Oh yes, the top is not where the Col is, the Col is 4 K's further on down the mountain. Much to my disgust there was no Col sign to photograph which also doesn't match my recollections, then again maybe it is a different Col.

I stopped at the top and checked out the food but there was no pasta. I was tempted by Trout but decided to resist. I then had a ripping good descent down to the town of Schirmeck. I thought I'd get food here and in the end had Chinese, Beef with Black Mushrooms. Quite nice, I wolfed it down, one because I was hungry and two because it was Chinese :)

Then a short ride on a rather busy road to the town of Rothau where there is a municipal camping. There was no one there but the sign said to set up so I did. I then went to have a shower. The sign said Douche Chaud 17.30 to something or other. I couldn't wait so had a shower. Thankfully after almost having an asthma attack from the cold the water heated up even though it was only 14.30 :) Had a lovely shower. Wandered into town then read for a while.

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