Thursday, July 9, 2009

In Vianden

After breakfast I walked up to the Chateau. It is a fair hike and the view is quite good of it on the way up and of the town below once you are up there. The location of the Chateau has been in use since the 4th century when there was as small fort here. In the 11th century it was expanded to contain a permanent rock/brick building and greatly expanded in the 13th century. I see many things that were greatly expanded in the 13th and 14th centuries. It seems to have been a period of great expansion in Europe. The next big building period was in the 17th century and a bit more in the 18th. For some reason that was not explained the Chateau was abandoned and the next period mentioned is in the 1830's where there is no roof and it is derelict. No explanations, at least not in English. There were quite a few English signs but not anything about this. Anyway it was all very interesting. The toilets had toilet paper too.

After the Chateau I walked back to the campsite and decided not to go on today. Or rather I lolled for a while then had a nap and so it was too late to go on then. Fortunately there is a TV in the amusement hut and when I went in around 2 pm, they were rerunning the ending from yesterday. So I settled in for the afternoon, the team time trial today.

After the Tour I walked into town for dinner, spag bog today, because I really am going to go riding tomorrow. It was an excellent choice! Huge. Tasty. I was definitely full. I pondered a dessert but I have been having a bit of hayfever, too many milk products I think. So I resisted.

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