Sunday, September 6, 2009

Singapore to Sydney

I went for a walk around Singapore airport, as usual, to stretch the legs. After a while I noticed that the flight departure board was saying final call for our flight so I walked back to the lounge. By the time I got there it said gate closing but in fact the flight crew hadn't even gotten on board yet. So I continued walking on past the gate, went to the loo and then when I got back there was no queue to go in so in I went. A few minutes later they called first and business boarding so I went into the plane.

Same seat this leg of course, so I settled in, got a glass of champagne and read until take off. Gosh this plane is quiet compared to a Jumbo! This leg is much shorter, only 6.5 hours. I finished watching American Beauty and then watched Good Will Hunting and then a documentary on 6 degrees of separation, which is really about network theory. I guess that was a good follow on from the previous movie! We were feed, naturally, I had fish this time, with a nice glass of Riesling and then cheese and dried fruit with a glass of Muscat, delicious.

I tried to have a short nap after the documentary, less than an hour, but it probably helped me stay up later. Once we landed I was the second person through immigration, even though I'd been seated at the back of Business Class and then there was the bag wait. One of my panniers came through only three minutes after I got there but for some reason the second one took another ten minutes. Then I went to oversize baggage to wait for the bike. And wait, and wait, and wait. Not there :( I went to the lost luggage and they will let me know tomorrow. This seems to happen every time I go to Europe. If memory serves the last time, actually the only time, they didn't lose a bag was in 1998, I know they did in 1995 and every other trip since. On the up side I don't have to worry about getting the bike home which makes the taxi ride easier :)

Ah home!

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