Sunday, September 6, 2009

Amsterdam to London

Woke up really early, 5 am, decided to get up and watch TV, no point going to sleep as I'm going to be out of sync soon anyway. I got ready and checked out around 7 am then walked over to the terminal. I went to the KLM bike box desk and they said that they couldn't sell me a box. Instead I had to go down to the left luggage area and buy one there. This was actually much better as there was a large bench there where I could do everything with plenty of spare space.

All set up I checked in, no problems of course, checked the bike in at the over size baggage desk and then went through to the departure area. Almost as soon as I'd gone through I realised I hadn't bought any chocolate before coming through, bugger, and there is no Leonidas store on this side. Oh well, I got a pre packaged box instead.

I then went for a wander around the shops and then to the lounge. I couldn't be bothered doing the diary and just read a news paper and did a Suduko instead. In due course I wandered around to the gate, I needn't have walked fast, they only had one desk open for checking luggage so the queue was enormous. Eventually we got in and it was a fairly pleasant trip over the channel. At one point I could see both France and England. They brought around breakfast, jambon cru, ham, cheese and bread rolls. I decided against champagne, I'll have some later :)

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